
Off-Campus Access

How to access databases or E-journals for Off-Campus Access

Off-campus access

How to access database off-campus


Enter your account number and password through Taipei Tech portal site.  Staff and students of Taipei Tech can access Electronic resources (includes database, journal and E-book etc) no matter on or off campus.


Do not offer your account number and password to others


Set up process:

Step 1: Click Taipei Tech portal site from the homepage of Taipei Tech



Step 2: Enter your account number and password to login




Step 3: Click following options:「資訊系統」(system of information)à

      「圖書館系統」(system of library)à「電子資源整合查詢」

       (search for electronic resource) 



Step 4: Click「電子資源整合查詢系統」(search for electronic resource)to access

      database.   Enter the title of databases you need in Browser.



Step 5: After finding your database and journal, click+to add in

      Frequently Used Resources and you will find your resource at Personalized



Step 6: Click Personalized Service and you will find the list of

      Frequently Used Resources.